To cleam our gold jewelry, liquid gold cleaner can be used. You can simply dip it into the liquid gold cleaner for 10 seconds, and rinse it with regular water. You can use any liquid type of gold cleaner for the jewelry which has natural stones, but keep it out of Turquoise, Pearl, Coral. You can use gold poishing cloth for a little tarnish or dirt.

To cleam our silver jewelry, liquid silver cleaner can be used. You can wash it with soap and warm water first, then dip it into the liquid silver cleaner for 10 seconds, and rinse it with regular water. You can use any liquid type of silver cleaner for the jewelry which has natural stones, but keep it out of Turquoise, Pearl, Coral. You can use silver poishing cloth for a little tarnish or dirt.

-Gold Vermeil (gold coated on sterling silver)-
To clean our Gold Vermeil jewelry, you can simply wash it with soap and warm water. Or you can use silver poishing cloth ( which is softer than gold polishing cloth) for a little tarnish or dirt. Also liquid gold cleaner can be used, but don't leave it in the liquid gold cleaner for a long time by mistake(10 seconds are enough). After dipping in the liquid cleaner, rinse it with regular water.Please remember you can not use liquid gold cleaner for the stones such as Turquoise, Pearl, & Coral.



-Gold Vermeil-
Silverに18K Goldがコーティングされた製品 (弊社のgold vermeil製品)が長期間使用後に変色した場合には、中性洗剤とぬるま湯で洗うか、市販のSilver製品用クロス(Gold製品用クロスよりも柔らかいもの)で軽く磨くことをお勧めします。液体タイプのGoldクリーナーも使用できますが、10秒程漬けてからすぐに水道水で洗い流 して下さい(誤って長時間Goldクリーナーに漬けたまま放置しないようにして下さい)。この際、天然石の含まれるジュエリーにも液体クリーナーは使用できますが、ターコイズや、真珠、珊瑚へのご使用は避けて下さい。

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